(Epanet Multi-Species Graphical User Interface)
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EPANET-MSX (EPA, 2007) is distributed as a stand-alone console application (command line
application) In order to run it; the user must open a Command Prompt window in Windows,
and navigate to the folder where epanetmsx.exe was saved. The syntax is:

>> epanetmx example.inp example.msx example.rpt

  • example.inp describes the hydraulic characteristics of the network
  • example.msx describes the species being simulated and the chemical
    reaction/equilibrium that governs their dynamics.
  • example.rpt is the name of file where the results will be written.

If the executable and input files were saved to different folders then the full path name would
have to be added.

The output is sent to a file and then it has to be opened in a text editor to see it.

MSX-GUI makes easier those previous steps for the user by integrating a graphical user

  • Browse files and folders: Select your files with a mouse click
  • Input file editor: Preview and edit input files directly from MSXGUI
  • Report:  View the results, if you want to keep them save them as either text or export
    to Excel.

No need to know command line commands, no need to type file-names, no need to switch
between applications.
MSX-GUI is a beta freeware tool. This program
doesn't need to be installed, just run it. contains the executable file (Msxgui.exe) and
the EPANET libraries (epanet2.dll and epanetmsx.dll)

Feel free to report any bugs/comments!